MERN (Texas Music Education Mentoring Network) Enters 2nd Year

The Foundation for Music Education enters the second year of powering MERN. MERN is the Music Education Resource Network which is a pro-bono mentoring network of TMEA members (advisors) helping new music teachers (proteges).

Mike Ware is the Managing Director of MERN. A small committee is compiling a list of specific items and tasks for our MERN advisors to supply proteges. To become an advisor and/or to apply to be a protege simply become a TMEA member and enroll via the TMEA or TFME website.

If you have subject matter that should be on the list please contact myself or Mike Ware.

Mike Ware –

Initial Advisor “to-do” List

Here is our initial advisor to-do list of items and tasks that pertain to band, orchestra, choir or elementary teachers and what we believe should be addressed by advisors and proteges.

  1. set calendar
  2. fees, auditions, trip information
  3. uniforms
  4. booster club relations
  5. professional organizations toda tba tcda tmea
  6. liability insurance
  7. attend region meeting
  8. websites
  9. convention dates
  10. tmea audition dates and deadlines
  11. UIL dates, deadlines PML online
  12. discipline management
  13. repertoire help for fall and spring
  14. sight reading materials
  15. instrument repair, rental, purchase
  16. quality of instruments
  17. assessment tools
  18. charms benefit
  19. solo and ensemble/ concert and sight reading prep
  20. performance concerns of protege
  21. eligibility issues
  22. fundraising do”s and don’ts
  23. transportation policies and requests
  24. class schedules, counselor help
  25. parent meetings/ communication
  26. make friends with administrators and counselors
  27. class schedules
  28. TMEA/UIL policies
  29. concert etiquette
  30. keep a professional distance with students
  31. activity accounts/financial policies

If you have any questions or would like additional information please don’t hesitate to contact via e-mail or by leaving a comment in the “leave a comment section.” Thanks!