General Information on Successful Mentoring by MERN
General Information on Mentoring
• “Teachers new to the profession are more likely to leave than their more experienced counterparts.” - Is There Really a Teacher Shortage? By Richard Ingersoll
• According to the National Education Association, in urban districts, 50 percent of newcomers leave the profession within their first five years.
• According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 88 percent of new teachers involved in mentoring programs that meet once a week report substantial improvement to their instructional skills.
MERN (Texas Music Education Mentoring Network) Enters 2nd Year
The Foundation for Music Education enters the second year of powering MERN. MERN is the Music Education Resource Network which is a pro-bono mentoring network of TMEA members (advisors) helping new music teachers (proteges).
Mike Ware is the Managing Director of MERN. A small committee is compiling a list of specific items and tasks for our MERN advisors to supply proteges. To become an advisor and/or to apply to be a protege simply become a TMEA member and enroll via the TMEA or TFME website.
If you have subject matter that should be on the list please contact ...